Cadmium telluride thin-film solar glass is a new type of photovoltaic device with cadmium telluride as its core material. Compared to traditional crystalline silicon photovoltaic modules, cadmium telluride thin-film solar glass has the following significant advantages: higher efficiency ceiling, material system design + bandgap tunability for higher efficiency ceiling, with a single-junction theoretical efficiency limit of up to 33%. It is cost-effective as it does not require expensive materials, uses less material, has low purity requirements, and has a well-established domestic supply chain. It has high actual power generation due to its minimal temperature coefficient and better low-light power generation performance, with a single-watt power generation exceeding crystalline silicon by 10%. The industrial chain investment is low with a short industrial chain, simple processes, and all processes can be completed in a single factory, with future single-gigawatt equipment investments reduced to 400 million. It has a low carbon footprint as no high temperatures are required during production, and the entire lifecycle energy consumption is only 1/4 of crystalline silicon photovoltaics